Last week I wrote about how even parts of the government have trouble navigating tax rules correctly. A big conclusion there is how beneficial it can be to enlist the help of an expert who knows the rules and can help you use them to your best advantage. So granted, I was already thinking along those lines, but the IRS released a couple of tax tips that drove this home.
I hope that you have been able to enjoy the current summer
season, but July is coming to an end, and it will only be a matter of time
before it is time for many to go back to school. Do you know that this can have
tax ramifications? See, it pays to have people who know these things so you do
not have to guess.
Those tips the IRS released have to do with school and this
time of year. The
first is a pretty simple deduction where eligible teachers and
administrators can deduct part of the cost of supplies used in the classroom
for which they were not reimbursed. Granted, this is not a huge deduction and
caps out at $250. At the same time, though, I do not know of any teachers who ever
end up not spending that much money on their classrooms out of their pockets,
so it ends up becoming a deduction all of them qualify for. You just need to
know that it exists and to retain the receipts that prove that spending.
second release involves tax credits that one can qualify for when it comes
to higher education. Higher education can include anything from trade school or
community college to four-year universities or advanced degrees. I do not have
the room to go into the basics of everything involved here but know that it even
includes a partially refundable credit, meaning you could actually get some
money paid directly to you when you file your taxes.
These notices are coming out now because of how applicable
they are to the where the calendar currently sits. This means they are not the
only ones out there. This also means if you are not currently using a
professional tax preparer, you are likely eligible for some deduction or credit
of which you are unaware. And there is little more rewarding in our work than
when we can show people that they are in a better position than they realize.
So if you want to reach that position, please do not hesitate to reach out.