I wrote about the coronavirus a couple weeks ago, and boy,
that feels like three years and 30,000 miles away from today. Since then we
have arrived in an unprecedented place. That makes it impossible to come in
here and pretend to have some grand advice, the best things to do to get
through this are going to be so wildly different for everyone based on their
individual situation anyway. My only wish now is that everyone finds some peace
while doing what they need to keep themselves, their families, and their
community safe and healthy.
There is no one whose life has not been affected by this
situation. Local, state, and federal authorities all came out with requests,
rules, and edicts and it is easy to feel overwhelmed by it. Alright, so maybe in
there comes one piece of advice I can give, which is to tune out for a time when
the news feels like too much. If you are caring that much about it, then you
are already someone giving enough thought to your actions that you are largely doing
the right things. Allowing yourself a mental break so you can refuel a little
bit is just another of those right things.
As more and more things got pushed back over the last week,
it took a little time, but the Treasury even eventually caught up to the trend.
On Tuesday, Secretary Steven Mnuchin announced that individual taxpayers who
owe up to a million dollars can defer tax payments until July 15, as well as
corporations for up to $10 million. They are, however, still encouraging filing
taxes by April 15. Things are still changing by the day, though, so of
course there remains the possibility of that deadline changing.
But if nothing else changes and you need to get documents to
us and your tax return filed, this can be done electronically and accomplished without
any face-to-face contact. We will do our best to make the process as painless
as possible, for there are more important places in which to place your
thoughts. For those expecting a refund, after all, the importance of getting
that money may have increased over the past week
I will stop there for now in the interest of not adding to
that overwhelming amount of things we have to think about, while remaining
optimistic that we are not far from the time when I will be able to put a more
normal message in this space.